4 Encoding And Evolution

Formats for encoding data

Programs work with 2 different representations of data

  • In-memory data (using list,arrays, hash tables, trees)
  • Writing it to a file / sending it over network (encoding it using JSON etc)

JSON, XML and Binary Variants

  • JSON, XML, CSV popularly used language independent formats
  • Textual formats
Problems with JSON, XML, CSV
  • XML, CSV cannot differentiate a number and a string
  • JSON cannot differentiate integers and floating point numbers
  • No support for binary strings (hacky alternative base64 is used for encoding)
Binary Encoding
  • JSON, XML uses significantly more space compared to binary formats
  • Binary formats: MessagePack, BSON, BJSON, UBJSON, BISON
  • binary formats supports more set of datatypes like integers,float, binary strings

Ex: encoding a json data using MessagePack binary encoding



Binary Encoding


Thrift and Protocol Buffers

  • Protocol Buffers - by Google
  • Thrift - by Facebook

IDL - interface definition language

IDL for Thrift:


IDL for Protocol Buffers:


  • Both comes with a code generation tool for converting the schema definition to specific language code

  • Thrift and Protocol buffers doesnt encode field tag names but use the field id number to connect the field value to tag

  • Thriftt uses 2 types of binary encodings

    • Binary Protocol thrift_binary_protocol-encoding.png

    • Compact Protocol thrift_compact_protocol-encoding.png

  • Protocol buffers' encoding scheme is similar to compact Protocol of thrift.


  • Field being optional / required doesn't make any difference in the encoding. It is checked during runtime.
Field Tags and Schema Evolution
  • Field tags play a major role.
  • For any field name updation - no issues as encoding maps field tag --> field name
  • When new field is inserted, it is given a new field tag. Some applications using older version of schema wont even read this.
  • Only thing to ensure backwards compatibility is to not make a newly inserted field required.

Modes of DataFlow

  • Via Databases
  • Via service calls
  • Via asynchronous message passing
Dataflow through databases
  • Process that writes to db encodes it
  • Process that reads from db decodes it
  • Should support forward and backward compatibility
  • New fields should be preserved even though an older outdated application rewrites the data in an older format
Dataflow Through Services: REST and RPC

Web Services - service communication is done using HTTP

Ex: microservices talking to each other, native app making an AJAX req.

  • A philosophy rather than a protocol
  • Simple data formats using URLs, using HTTP features for cache control, auth and content negotiation
  • XML based protocol for making network API requests.
  • Not so good, skippinggggg
Problems with RPCs
  • RPC model tries to make a request to a remote network service look the same as calling a function or method in your programming language, within the same process.
  • Local function call is predictable whereas network call is unpredictable to succeed.
  • Network function is much slower than a local function call
  • Client and server maybe in diff languages, so RPC framework has to do the translation process between them.
Current directions of RPC
  • gRPC uses protocol buffers, Finagle uses Thrift, rest.li uses JSON over HTTP
  • Finagle and Rest.li use futures (promises) for asynchronous function calls.
  • gRPC supports streams wherein a series of requests and responses can be made in a call.

Message Passing Dataflow

  • Uses a message broker inbetween 2 services to asynchronously pass the messages
  • Has several advantages over plain RPC
    • message broker can act as buffer if recipient is unavailable / overloaded
    • automatically redeliver messages
    • sender needn't know IP addresses
    • allows one message to be sent to several recipients
  • Sender doesn't expect response from the recipient
Message Brokers
  • RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, Apache Kafka - examples
  • Flow : one process sends the message to queue, broker ensures message is delivered to one or more consumers
  • No particular data model

Distributed Actor Frameworks

  • Actor model - Programming model for concurrency within single process
  • Logic is encapsulated with actors rather than threads which has issues like race conditions and deadlocks
  • Each actor represents one client or entity and may have a local state (not shared by any other actors)
  • Actors communicate with each other through message passing
  • Actors process only one message at a time, neednt worry about threads and can be scheduled independently by the framework
  • Read more about actor model link
  • Same message passing mechanism is used in distirbuted actor frameworks
  • Popular frameworks which uses actor model
    • Akka uses java inbuild serialization by default
    • Orleans uses custom data encoding format
    • Erlang OTP - very hard to make changes to record schemas