2 Data Models And Query Languages

ORM : Object-relational mapping - serves as a layere of abstraction between object oriented programming paradigms and relational database systems.

Document models suit one-to-many relationships in data model better than relational model.

In many-to-many and many-to-one , both relational and document model uses a reference to the data called as foreign keys in relational and document reference in document model. Using relational dbs are advantageous as they support joins.

Use case of Document model
  • Schema flexibility
  • Better performance due to locality
  • Hetergenous data
Use case of Relational model
  • Support for joins
  • many-to-one and many-to-many relationships is easier to represent

SQL like languages are declarative whereas languages like C are imperative. In Declarative langauges, we just specify what we need rather than how to do it.

Imperative : Declarative :: DOM : HTML/CSS

Graph-Like Data Models

  • Typically used for complex many-to-many relational data model.
Property Graphs
  • Both vertices and edges are similar to tables in relational dbs.


Cypher Query Language



Query ^dd6cdc


Triple Stores and SPARQL

Information is stored in terms of (subject, predicate, object).
Subject ---> Object , predicate is the info on the edge.


Same 2 Data Models and Query Languages > ^dd6cdc in sparkQL
